Matthew 10:34-11:1
Faith in Jesus is never easy. Faith could be a battle on two levels. First, the battle within ourselves – because, our faith would demand us to do away with our selfishness. Desires for wealth, power and pleasures do not get along with our faith in God. Thus our faith in God is a constant battle within ourselves. The second level of the battle is against the situations and people who try to obstruct our life in faith. Our work places or work schedule may not be suitable for us to practice faith and in certain cases the society or the people in authority could prevent us from practicing faith. And the battle could be tough if the opposition comes from within our own home.
In today's Gospel Jesus warns us of this conflict. It may happen within our family, our dearest environment, misunderstanding or rejection arises because of our faith in Jesus. Today, the temptation for many in the families is not to mention about matters of faith in order to maintain peace in the family. Ironically, this absence of faith in God has become the major reason for lack peace and happiness in our modern families, although we seldom realise it. Perhaps this was a problem that the early Christian community faced and Matthew wanted to address this issue.
Through the categorical teaching of Jesus, Matthew brings home the most important message for today’s world: faith in God cannot be compromised.: He who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; He who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me ... Of course, Jesus loved his family, He lived in a family till he began his public ministry – with his parents, his dear and near ones. Faith should be lived as a family. But if the family-ties prevents one from believing in Jesus, the option is clear: God first. Remember the story of the mother and brothers of Jesus going to meet him at the beginning of his public ministry?
The message of Jesus is nothing light nor anything abstract. It cuts right into our family lives. How many youngsters today care the least for their faith in God, while choosing their life partners? How many Catholic parents take their kids to swimming lessons or music classes on Sundays and ignore their own life in faith and their responsibility to bring up their kids in faith? And how many Catholic couples consider it normal to terminate a pregnancy when a child is considered inconvenient?
When confronted with such challenges in life and faith, do not be discouraged, but fall back to Jesus to help us make the right choices and take the right decisions.