Engaging with the Sacred Body Wound for Healing and Self-Liberation

Engaging with the Sacred Body Wound for Healing and Self-Liberation

Has your relationship with your body kept you from embracing all that you are capable of?

As women, we receive the message that our bodies are shameful and even dangerous at a young age. We are taught not to trust our bodies and to tame them to others’ expectations.

In today’s episode, I share with you the name I’ve created for this experience:

The Sacred Body Wound

Almost every woman carries the Sacred Body Wound, and it impacts the way we treat ourselves and interact with the world.

Do you struggle with identifying and processing emotions and feelings?

Do you feel ashamed of your body?

Do you battle with an eating disorder or otherwise self-harm?

Do you avoid exploring your sexuality, or hyper-focus on diets and weight loss?

These are examples of the Sacred Body Wound at work, and it affects each woman differently.

Regardless of how this wound manifests in your life, its primary goal is to make you forget how sacred, miraculous, and wondrous your body is.

Combatting this wound plays a vital part in our paths toward embodied healing and self-liberation. And giving a name to this wound is the first step toward winning that battle.

Join me in today’s episode to learn more about The Sacred Body Wound and how to begin to heal it in your life.

Listen to episode 354 now!

In episode 354 of the Embodied Podcast we discuss:

[2:51] How the practice of naming can empower you in your path toward embodied healing
[6:24] Questions that can help you identify patterns and gauge your healing progress
[9:40] How naming our wounds can help us to remove personal identification
[10:54] What the sacred body wound is and why it’s important to combat it
[15:49] How we begin to experience the sacred body wound even as young girls
[17:20] What to do now that you can name the wound that separates you from fully embracing your sacred body

Resources mentioned by Elizabeth in the episode:

Learn more about Elizabeth’s approach to embodiment with the Embodiment Bible: http://www.untameyourself.com/embodiment-bible

Join Elizabeth in a Mary Magdalene Feast Day Celebration: http://www.untameyourself.com/722

Email us with questions or feedback: hello@untameyourself.com

Don’t miss an episode of The Embodied Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/embodied-with-elizabeth-dialto/id998131872?mt=2

Quote from the Episode:
“Being able to respect the body and being able to regard it and revere it as the sacred vessel that it is - regardless of the shape, size, form, condition, health, ability - that’s a beautiful thing to cultivate, and we do that by combating the sacred body wound.”


Website: https://untameyourself.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethdialto/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabethdialto

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/truth-telling-with-elizabeth-dialto/id998131872
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/liz-dialto/untame-the-wild-soul-woman-spirituality-heath-relationships-2
Podcast Website: https://untameyourself.com/podcast/


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