Guru Purnima Special: Ask Gurudev Anything (AGA) on Guru and The Spiritual Path.
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About Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a world-renowned humanitarian, spiritual leader, and an ambassador of peace and human values. Through his life and work, Gurudev has inspired millions around the world with a vision of a stress-free and violence-free world.
Gurudev founded The Art of Living, a non-profit organization that is engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. The programs designed by Gurudev empower people with techniques and tools to live a deeper and blissful life.
00:00 - Intro
00:25 - A Guru's Job!
00:50 - Goal of the Spiritual Path
01:40 - Role of a Guru & a disciple
02:20 - Does a Guru choose a disciple?
03:19 - Are you losing your individuality on the Spiritual path?
04:14 - Artho, Artharti, Jigysasu & Gyaani
05:03 - Compassion or kindness, which is greater?
05:20 - Gratitude on the Spiritual path
05:50 - Cultivating Guru Shakti within yourself
08:28 - Know when to let go
09:15 - Does a light bulb need electricity?
09:49 - Having a goal yet staying desire-less
11:27 - A Guru is on whose side?
12:15 - Who receives grace
13:45 - Every failure is a step towards success
15:10 - How a Guru helps you see the light!
15:40 - Mumukshutvam
16:05 - The best way to express gratitude to a Guru
16:30 - How to spread spirituality?
17:33 - Will you reach your destination if you have a master
18:00 - Does a Guru get disappointed
18:20 - Understanding Guru as a principle
20:46 - Who is a Guru
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#GurudevSriSriRaviShankar #GuruPurnima #AskGurudevAnything