Looking for a strategy to safeguard your equity investments if the market falls dramatically? Register now 👉🏾 https://vro.in/hangouts for the next episode of Investors' Hangout.
00:00 Introduction
10:48 Should I liquidate my equity investments and move to gold and debt mutual funds?
14:27 Should an investor of the banking and PSU fund exit due to a probable interest-rate hike?
15:54 Should a 67-year-old change his allocation to equity?
17:53 What factors should one consider while investing in a debt mutual fund scheme?
19:24 Should one consider non-participating insurance schemes for the regular income?
21:24 Should I invest in gold through an SIP for the next five years?
24:51 What would be your advice to a new investor in the present circumstances?
25:55 Are mutual fund schemes liable to pay taxes?
27:50 Will a stock-market crash impact debt funds?
30:12 Should one move out entirely from regular plans?