For detailed notes and links to everything mentioned in this video, please visit http://www.patrickbetdavid.com/make-a-comeback-as-an-entrepreneur/
Perhaps you've lost everything or filed bankruptcy, and you no longer feel that you have what it takes to make a comeback as an entrepreneur. If that describes you, this video is for you!
In this video I'll cover eight things you've gotta do to make a comeback
How to Make a Comeback as an Entrepreneur
#1: Find Out Why You Failed in the First Place 3:46
#2: Realize You're Not as Bad -- or as Good -- as You Think You Are 7:03
#3: Be Prepared for Crap to Hit the Fan. Again. 7:58
#4: Don't Back Off Too Much 8:47
#5: Don't Stop Dating. Get Back in the Field but Don't Rush to Get Married Immediately 11:38
#6: Don't Let Failure Define You 13:10
#7: Seek Counsel from the Right Source 13:24
#8: Read Comeback Stories. Watch Comeback Movies. 13:33
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Schedule: New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday on a broad array of entrepreneurial topics. To see more videos from Entrepreneur Network partner, Patrick Bet-David check out VALUETAINMENT https://www.youtube.com/user/patrickbetdavid