Be True To Your Pleasure shows a group of unique individuals. The story is told in an effort to inspire and encourage all people to be true to their own version of pleasure. The film tells the story of Willam, Blake, Gregory Woo and James Charis, who embrace the opportunity to indulge their personal pleasure, being true to what matters to them.
“We are thrilled to be launching ´Be True to Your Pleasure´ as a beautiful illustration of Magnum’s philosophy. Everything we do at Magnum is about inspiring, enabling and daring people to take that moment of pleasure for themselves. It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you take pleasure in; this film has been created to inspire you to seize it. Indulge it. Most of all, enjoy it.”, said Sophie Galvani, Global Brand Vice President – Magnum at Unilever.
The film was shot in Los Angeles by award winning director Martin Werner and produced by Propaganda/Bacon with music by Big Sync Music.
A day without pleasure is a day lost. #TrueToYourPleasure
Watch the full film here:
Song: Umbrella
Artist: Mechanical Bride
Album: Part II EPs
Licensed to YouTube by: The Orchard Music (on behalf of Transgressive Records); Warner Chappell, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, Peermusic, Sony ATV Publishing, SOLAR Music Rights Management, PEDL, LatinAutor - PeerMusic, LatinAutorPerf, and 13 Music Rights Societies