Sharon Kermath | A criminal Defence lawyer with a Difference | The Michael Kuzilny Show

Sharon Kermath | A criminal Defence lawyer with a Difference |  The Michael Kuzilny Show

Miss Sharon Kermath is one of a kind.

This Australian legal eagle has a down to earth attitude and has genuinely dedicated herself to help her clients get through the tough times.

Michael Kuzilny interviews the great lady Sharon SK. This lady has a heart of gold.
If you have a story about overcoming struggling times that you would like to share...
Don't forget to watch the new episode of "Tough Timesโ€:
โ–บEvery Friday @9PM on Foxtel Aurora TV Channel 173, Facebook and Youtube
โ–บEvery Friday @8PM on C31 Melbourne
โ–บEvery Friday @9.30PM on C44 Adelaide
โ–บYoutube: Michael Kuzilny Show
โ–บInstagram: themichaelkuzilnyshow

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