Tisarana and pañca sīla ( The Threefold Refuge and five precepts)

Tisarana and pañca sīla ( The Threefold Refuge and five precepts)

Tisarana and pañca sīla ( The Threefold Refuge and five precepts)

Homage to Him,The Blessed one, The perfect one,The Supremely Enlightened one ! (3 times )

The Threefold Refuge

I go for refuge to the Enlightened one.
I go for refuge to the Teaching of the Enlightened one.
I go for refuge to the Holy Order of Enlightened one’s Noble Disciples.

For the second time,I go for refuge to the Enlightened one.
For the second time, I go for refuge to the Teaching of the Enlightened one.
For the second time, I go for refuge to the Holy Order of Enlightened one’s Noble Disciples.

For the third time,I go for refuge to the Enlightened one.
For the third time, I go for refuge to the Teaching of the Enlightened one.
For the third time, I go for refuge to the Holy Order of Enlightened one’s Noble Disciples.

Monk: Going for (Commitment to) The Threefold Refuge is now completed.

Devotee: yes, Venerable sir.

The Five Precepts

1. I (voluntarily) undertake the precept of abstaining from killing
2. I ( voluntarily) undertake the precept of abstaining from stealing.
3. I (voluntarily) undertake the precept of abstaining from sexual misconduct.
4. I (voluntarily) undertake the precept of abstaining from lying.
5. I (voluntarily) undertake the precept of abstaining from liquor,alcoholic drinks, or intoxicants that cause heedlessness.

Monk: Having guarded well (the commitment to) the Threefold Refuge together with the five precepts of the Noble Teaching, work out (spiritual perfection) with diligence.

Devotee: Yes, Venerable Sir.


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