Undetectable Hacks May Be Coming To Warzone & Other FPS Games

Undetectable Hacks May Be Coming To Warzone & Other FPS Games

Basically Homeless video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=revk5r5vqxA
Original Story: https://charlieintel.com/warzone-console-hack-development-ended-after-activision-sends-notice/114812/
Warzone has a hacker and cheater problem. We know this. We complain about a lack of anti-cheat but even S Tier anti-cheat may not stop this new wave of hacks that are coming soon. You don't even need scripts or code injections. Instead it runs off of a capture card with machine leanring AI and lets said AI just aim for you with a controller. These kinds of hacks are undetectable and unbeatable.

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