What University is REALLY like in Australia | COLLEGE VLOG! Swinburne University of Technology

What University is REALLY like in Australia | COLLEGE VLOG! Swinburne University of Technology

What university is REALLY like in Australia | COLLEGE VLOG! Swinburne University of Technology.

➡ Check out Swintopia here: https://swintopia.swinburne.edu.au

Welcome back to another uni vlog!! The last time I did one of these was in March (my first day of college/uni), so I'm thrilled to be back and showing you a uni day in my life during Semester 1 at Swinburne University of Technology.

My first class was film tech, where we learnt about the 180-degree rule which is used when two people are talking to each other (we watched Megan and Harry's Oprah interview as an example)

I added a quick little flashforward to the next Thursday, to demonstrate how we use the cameras for a group assignment. That week, we were working on a project called 'Shooting for Editing' which is a technique commonly used in news reports as it makes post-production more efficient which allows for a timely release.

That same day, my friend Linda and I were invited to an event called 'Swinburne World Kitchen' which is an event "celebrating connectedness, culture and deliciously diverse food from all over the world"

It was interesting learning about the Prosperity toss. Here's a great explanation I found online - Each participant gets long chopsticks and is invited to toss the salad high into the air and shout, “Loh Hei” meaning toss high! You’re encouraged to be both loud and messy, shouting blessing of good luck and wishes.

Now let's unwind to the week before, Isabel and I went to Woolworths to grab a few snacks and a cookie from the cookie box (now my fave cookie store)

Then I met up with my friend, Kelvin, who I went to McKinnon with. He interviewed me for a uni assignment. (He's studying Design/Media communication)

Afterwards, I walked around campus to show you the most aesthetic cafe in Glenferrie (in my opinion), which is located in the Atrium. Surprise!! it's called The Atrium Cafe.. who would've guessed?

Afterwards, I bumped into two girls (Aya and Fatima) Fatima studies film and television - currently in her third year. Aya used to study Teaching at Swinburne but then found a job in Cyber Security. It was so much fun hanging out with these two - they also took me to another building where they were doing a photoshoot!

I was then given a campus tour by the two loveliest guys, Mina and Chamath. They went into such detail and it taught me a lot about the history of Swinburne and all the amazing courses the university has on offer.

At 2:30pm I had my favourite class - Post Production and Editing. My lecturer, Chris, was an expert at both Premiere Pro as well as Final Cut Pro X (I edit on FCPX) so he taught me how to apply what I know from Final Cut to Premiere. On our break, Tadji and I headed to Lido's Cinema. (he wanted to purchase some tickets to see a Coen Brothers Film - The Big Lebowski.) This was my first time seeing the cinema, I'll definitely be back! (especially now that I have my year-round $5 discount! (Which I explain how you can get in the video!)

After class, I hung out around campus to talk to some people! (Who I'm now friends with)!

They gave some great advice to other uni students.

☆ Remember to watch your lectures weekly! By the time you get to the end of the semester, it'll be less stressful for you as you won't have to catch up on 12 lectures at once.

☆ Network with other people :) you'll always find someone who did a unit that they may be able to help you out with and vice versa

☆ The moment your university releases your weekly reading, try and get as much done as possible, just smash it out! It makes it a bit easier when your assignments come up.

What a day!! I met so many people and learnt heaps.
I hope you enjoyed coming along with me on a day in my life at university.

** DISCLAIMER: this was filmed before masks were mandated inside the university and in outdoor areas. We had 0 cases at this point in time, so we didn't have many restrictions. Unfortunately, we are now back in lockdown but let's hope restrictions lift tomorrow!
Sending my love to those of you also in lockdown right now. We'll get through this together ❤️

♡watch more here:

♡ my first day of university!! COLLEGE VLOG | Swinburne University of Technology - https://youtu.be/QcsJ3YIWlq4

♡ What High School Is Really Like In Australia (in 2020) | school vlog! after lockdown - https://youtu.be/y9Whbu4J-cs

♡ SCHOOL IN 2020 | back to school vlog! - https://youtu.be/8ySfrR3YQHM

♡ Melbourne, VIC & Sydney, New South Wales playlist - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9pT7suE2gx41v1_ah-jVZk1-G0kpkhAM

Connect with me on my socialsss :)

Instagram: @maskitmati
TikTok: @maskitmati
Twitter: @maskitmati

Have the most amazing day! - Maskit xx

college vloguniversity vlogmy first day at university

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