Characters Popularity War between Your Name(Kimi No Na Wa.) and A Silent Voice(Koe No Katachi) Animes. Which is Your Favourite Movie between this two?
About the Video :
1. I collected the monthly popularity int values for each characters in this video based on the Google search volumes
2. I used the collected value along with the monthly search volume for each character to determine the popularity data with calculations.The data I put in the video is approximate value from good thorough calculation (accurate data values cannot be collected)
3. I personally made this video with much effort and time.Please support the video if you liked.
Software/Applications/Websites may be used for the creation of this Video :
Wondershare Flimora
Microsoft Excel
Web Browser
OBS Studio
Google trends
Flourish Studio
Search Tools
Characters in the video :
Mitsuha Miyamizu(Your Name)
Shouko Nishimiya(A Silent Voice)
Shoya Ishida(A Silent Voice)
Taki Tachibana (Your Name)
Miki Okudera (Your Name)
Yuzuru Nishimiya(A Silent Voice)
Naoka Ueno(A Silent Voice)
Comment your favorite character in this two movies
#yourname #asilentvoice #characters #popularitywar #war #mostpopular #koenokatachi #kiminonawa #nishimiyashouko #takitachibana #ishidashoya #mitsuhamiyamizu #takiandmitsuhameet #bestanimemovies #animemasterpieces #popularyournamecharacters #popularasilentvoicecharacter #popularitybattle #anime2016 #anime2021 #2016-2021 #topanime #bestanimeopenings #yournamevsasilentvoice #asilentvoicevsyourname #koenokatachivskiminonawa #kiminonawavskoenokatachi #shapeofvoicemovie #animeoscars #kyotoanimation #yournamevsweatheringwithyou