Alistair LeatherHiraeth 2021 - The Fireside Chat Series

Alistair LeatherHiraeth 2021 - The Fireside Chat Series

Alistair LeatherHiraeth is European Bootblack 2020

In this video, Alistair talks about his grandfather being the first one to affirm his gender, the journey from being married in a non-polyamorous relationship to finding his leather family, how kink has always been a part of his life, and how he is working to create a UK Bootblack scene and contest.

Inside Leather History: A Fireside Chat is produced by Douglas O’Keeffe and Mistress Joanne C. Gaddy ("The Producers”).The Chats seek to capture the memories, reflections, and experiences of leaders in the leather and/or LGBTQ+ communities. With a deep and heartfelt regard for the importance of our history, it is the intent of The Producers to collect, preserve, and appropriately share the stories of our forebears and others who have made significant contributions to the leather and/or LGBTQ+ communities. This is done through a series of recorded interviews.


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