Clouds: Make Life Liveable & Adaptable II মেঘ: জীবনকে বাসযোগ্য ও অভিযোজ্য করে তোলে।

Clouds: Make Life Liveable & Adaptable     II     মেঘ: জীবনকে বাসযোগ্য ও অভিযোজ্য করে তোলে।

Clouds are essential to life on Earth. Without clouds, the world would be a much less hospitable place for humans, plants, and animals. Clouds are important part of Water Cycle . Clouds heat and cool the Earth surface for living being. Clouds are considered alive & living because tiny Bacteria Present there to make clouds droplets and they change & move.

All essential elements of life present in clouds including DNA elements.
Clouds make link between Rain-snow, oceans, river and Plants & Animals.
Ecology & Ecosystem would not function properly without Clouds.
Clouds help regulate Earth's energy balance by reflecting and scattering solar radiation.
New research now shows that clouds can also be used to map life on Earth.

Cloud seasonality can influence Earth’s ecosystems; for instance, tropical forests have a near constant layer of clouds over them, while savannas may experience a drop in cloud cover during dry seasons every year. Clouds are also being used to research species range, or the geographical boundaries in which a specific species of plant or animal could live and thrive.


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