How I make Super Mario 3D World custom levels! In this video, I show you the process of creating a Super Mario 3D World custom level. Specifically, I start porting the first level of Super Mario 3D Land into Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. There is already a SM3DL 1-1 custom level for Wii U, but this is for the Switch. This part covers how to import your custom model and how to make it look decent! Let me know if you want to see more parts!
All of my current video ideas are these huge projects that are gonna take several weeks per video and doing this has been sorta killing my channel as of late. So I thought I'd try recording this one. The problem with this is that a lot of levels I make don't get finished because I either lose motivation or it doesn't go the way I want it to. So having this video recorded might put unwanted pressure to finish a project I might not care about in the future. But regardless, I hope it's entertaining and educational!
0:00 Intro & Explanation
0:03 Extracting models from Super Mario 3D Land using Switch Toolbox
1:06 Converting .dae to .fbx using Blender
1:46 Creating a custom object with Switch Toolbox
2:23 Removing Mount Beanpole's shadows & importing custom model
3:25 Applying textures to the materials in Switch Toolbox
3:41 Importing the custom collision model & setting its properties
4:05 Adding our custom object to a stage using SpotLight
4:20 Wirelessly transferring files to Nintendo Switch using FileZilla
4:23 Testing the custom object ingame
4:38 Test #2 after adding a camera area & increasing the object's clipping value
5:05 Planning how to improve the visuals
5:18 Taking textures and materials from other Super Mario 3D World levels & objects
6:08 Test #3 with improved textures and materials, discussion about the future, & outro.
If you enjoyed this video, perhaps you'd like some of my other videos.
Super Mario 3D World HACKING: Catching Up
I remade Mario Kart 64's Bowser's Castle in Super Mario 3D World!
I made a Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury TROLL HACK
Hopefully Nintendo doesn't kill me for this.
SpotLight (level editor): https://github.com/jupahe64/Spotlight/wiki
How to use it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohRWfnZLP6k
Actual tutorial for importing models that isn't just me commentating:
3D World modding server (I don't own this server so don't join it just to talk to me, it'll really annoy everyone there haha): https://discord.gg/9JGKSze
Switch modding guide (this is what I used): https://switch.homebrew.guide/
✮✮✮✪Extra Credits!✪✮✮✮
Avatar: https://twitter.com/ladykathing
Dancing Quagsire: https://twitter.com/mio_momalulu/status/1127958496496865285
Super Mario 3D World Videos REVAMPED: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUijKcODJykXSuBWkfwk9-JMBhMyDDzZ7
✮✮✮✪My Links!✪✮✮✮
Instagram!: https://www.instagram.com/_mayrowo/
Twitch!: https://www.twitch.tv/nuokart
Twitter!: https://twitter.com/Mayro2020
#SuperMario3DWorld #NintendoSwitch #QuagsireLovesToCreateThingsSuchAsSounds