Getting To Grips was the first workshop level I made for Distance, and was more a learning experience for me than it was intended to be a good (or even decent) level. The track loops over, under, and across itself many times making it easy to find shortcuts, and by extension reduce your time on track.
Following the main route should take about 6 minutes or so, assuming no accidents along the way. The World Record is just under a minute for the whole track.
Red Zone: only two shortcuts, although there's a lot of different ways to execute them. The building ahead of the starting straight has a teleporter embedded in it's 'window' - how you get up there is up to you. (major)
Players that don't spot the teleporter can also use the building to skip past the spiral. (minor)
White zone; You can fly off to the side of the track as I do in the example. There's also a road-route hidden after track splits - you'll need to move back to the centre of the track just before you reach the rollers and do a half roll. This route is easier to execute. (major)
There's also a 'breach' in the level geometry where the track slopes upwards near the start - a quick player can slip under the track here to skip most of the zone. (major)
Green Zone: No shortcuts, but you can gripfly over the obstacles if you want to. It's not any faster though.
Purple Zone: This got way too complex.
When you enter the zone, you can fly up to one of the tracks that thread back through the start zone, skipping most of the zone. (major)
Another option is you can fly up and land on the zone's geometry - it's possible to climb right up to the endzone, if you know what you're doing. (major)
Coming out of the starting straight, you can see a track above you - you can fly up to this to skip most of the zone. (major)
Just after the trucks, you can fly up to the next highest level as the track overlaps again (major)
If you didn't do any of that, when you get to the bottom of the slope with all the saws, there's a radar station on the left on top of a hill. You can jump off the track here and go up the hill and through the radar station. (minor)
You can also drop straight down to the radar station part by stopping and backing up after entering the purple zone - there's a hole just behind the start of the zone. (minor-ish)
You can jump off the track when you start seeing the trucks and drive through the lot - it's risky though as the trucks move fairly quickly. (minor)
after threading back through the start you can fly across to the return track. (minor)
As the track weaves around the spires near the top of the zone there are many places that you can jump or fly up to the top. (minor)
Finally, at the tops of the zone you can avoid most of the obstacles by driving on the walls instead of trying to follow the road. (minor)