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God Is Saying "Stop Trying Hard and Allow Him To Do It"
Ecclesiastes 3.11, ‘He hath made everything beautiful in His time. Also, He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end’.
Reading through that whole chapter gives an explanation of God’s own timing. The whole chapter explains rightly that there is a time for everything; a time to laugh and a time to cry, a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to toil and a time to harvest. It explains that it is okay to have bad days because there will be good days. It is okay to have cloudy days because the sunny days are coming. It is okay to have gloomy days and clouded thoughts because a day of happiness and peace is on its way. It is okay to not have the things we want at the time we expect them to come because we do not and cannot control God’s schedule.
Many times, we seem to ‘pressure’ God to get things done for us when we want. We want to make Him do the things He promised to do at moments He didn’t promise to get them done. We want to have God work at our pace and time because that’s what we feel is right. The irony of it all is that, when things don’t go as we plan, we begin to question God, we lose our faith and trust in Him. At these moments sadly, we forget the good times and the good things He had done for us. We want to put words and actions into God’s mouth because He promised us to do a thing, forgetting that God never promises a certain time a miracle will come or an answer to your prayer would arrive because He knows His decisions and timing are the best for us. He would always tell us ‘when the time is right’ because He alone knows when the time is right.
It is easier for us to say we trust God than to actually trust His timing and the process He’s putting us through. It is as easy to lose our faith in God as it is to say the words ‘I trust God’ when situations become unbearable because we never really trusted God. We only say the words, but our actions and beliefs don’t match what we say. We tend to set a time for God to get something done for us and we very easily lose patience in our own timing because most times we think God will answer us before OUR own deadline and not His. We make decisions and plans most times without consulting God, and we turn our backs on Him when things don’t work out the way we plan, forgetting that He shouldn’t even get the blame because He wasn’t in the plan all along.
In trying to control God’s timing and making things happen the way we want them to, we get into careers and relationships and set goals and meet people that God didn’t add to His plan for us. We pray hard for those paying careers that isn’t part of God’s plan, we get mad at the careers that God put us into but are not paying us well. We get into relationships with people that aren’t a part of our lives as God planned it but don’t value the relationships with the people God placed in our lives. We set goals that we think should be because they sound right and fulfilling, but they aren’t part of God’s plan for us. Not because they are bad, but because they are not part of the plan and purpose God has outlined for us. In trying to control the timing and God’s blessings, we take on opportunities, enter relationships, and get entangled with things and people that were never meant to be part of our journey, that we were never supposed to walk our process with. Because of our impatience and lack of discernment, we begin to pray God into careers, and job opportunities, and relationships that He never wanted us to be in in the first place.
Trying to control God’s timing is always a perfect display of egoism, the acknowledgement of self over God. Romans 8.5-8 says, “Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored”.