How does the Sales Acceleration Team support customer inquiries on grant opportunities?

How does the Sales Acceleration Team support customer inquiries on grant opportunities?

AirWAVs by WAV hosted an engaging virtual discussion with the Grants Office and CommScope Ruckus, focusing on COVID relief funding.

This clip is from a larger discussion surrounding relief funding and how to bring much-needed connectivity to underserved and unserved areas of the United States. Watch the full episode here:

If customers don’t have an identified CommScope Ruckus reseller or sales representative, we have access to allies that is easy to use. Feel free to email public/funding/ with your questions as this mailbox is managed by the Sales Acceleration Team.

If you have a specific question about a funding source, the team will strive to answer your question within 24 hours.


Connect with WAV at

Connect with CommScope Ruckus at

Connect with the Grants Office at


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