How To Speak The Queen's English 🇬🇧 Upper Class British Accent

How To Speak The Queen's English 🇬🇧 Upper Class British Accent

00:00 Welcome chat
02:25 Class begins
21:40 Chit-chat

💖 My Tip Jar for those who have kindly asked: 💖
(NOTE: You have to select the 'Send' option NOT the 'Request' one!)

DISCLAIMER: The River Show is presented as lighthearted entertainment with genuine opinion pieces blended with a dash of comedy, parody and a sprinkling of theatre. Commentary is offered in the style of conjecture and gossip, with the viewer encouraged to take all views and opinions expressed with a pinch of salt and use their own discretion. I'm not a royal expert, and am not here to educate you. I'm here to shoot the breeze with you, have a giggle and sip the tea. I hope you enjoy the show!


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