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Aug 1, 2021 - Guest: Jared Murphy
Jared Murphy is the podcaster, researcher, and authour of, "It's not aliens, Worse, It's Us".
'The evidence from historical record, legends and myths are shouting that it wasn’t aliens, that the advanced technologies are echoes of a human society we do not have a written record of. We have the remnants of their buildings, genes, and the sciences that point to a highly advanced human race that survived multiple catastrophes and to this day may live among us.' "It's not aliens, Worse, It's Us"
Jared has been on numerous podcasts and events to talk about everything from, Templars in America, to ancient nano technology, and vibrational medicines.
Website www.notaliens.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Leakproject42/featured
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