𝝱ᕪĺŋ𝑔 ੦ປΤ ੦₣ 𝘗┗𝘼Ƈε

𝝱ᕪĺŋ𝑔 ੦ປΤ ੦₣ 𝘗┗𝘼Ƈε


God has only one family in heaven and earth, it is named after Him. He gave his people a name--Christian, God's people have only one name.

The things written aforetime were written for our learning, the OT points us to Christ, it also points us to the NT.

Even in the NT church we can be out of place. Those that rose up against God’s leader Moses were out of place. We must stay in our place even when it comes down to the church of Christ. The gospel begs you to come unto Jesus; the devil does not want you to come.

God put in on the mind of the one he chose to build his tabernacle, when God tells us to do something we must do it according to His pattern.

There is nothing new under the sun, just as people rose up against the leaders of God, they will rise up against God’s church today. Although Korah had a position, as did every leader of the Levites, (they all had a part to play) but Korah thought that Moses took too much on himself. Korah did not realize that God put Moses where he was.

God can use all of us, but we must play our part in the church. We cannot be the leader when God did not make us the leader. We oftentimes want to take the preacher’s place or others; we are to do what we are supposed to do.

We have a place in the NT church where God has placed us, we are to stay in our place to please God. God has given us all different talents

As David said, when we do things the way God has said, we will not end up as Uzzah did in the OT. You may have good intentions, but God means what he says. It cannot be our way in order to please the Lord, our way is not the Lord’s way.

Bro Jamie Rochell, Minister

GodJesus ChristHoly Spirit

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