Primary Purpose of the Church | Herbert W. Armstrong

Primary Purpose of the Church | Herbert W. Armstrong

The audio in this clip is taken from Herbert W. Armstrong on the World Tomorrow program entitled "Sermon on the Mount - Part 1" from May 1, 1979:

Now, Jesus did send His Apostles out to preach the Gospel. And God had worked in the human body of Christ because it was the Spirit of God in Him that did everything He did and performed all of His miracles. And He said, "The works that I do shall you do also. And greater works shall you do because I go unto the Father." Then again He said in John's gospel, "That if I go to the Father, I will send the other Comforter to you, the Holy Spirit. But if I go not, he cannot come." It was necessary and expedient for them that He go. Now, when the Holy Spirit came, that was the Power, the Spirit, the Mind of God, yes, even the Faith of God that had been working in Jesus Christ, now working in the human physical bodies of the Apostles and the Church. And so, the Church now became the body through which God was working. That is why the Church is called the Body of Christ.

And it is the Body of Christ and only as it performs the work, the mission of Christ. And God had given Christ a work to do. And Jesus Christ taught His Disciples and ordained them then as ambassadors or as Apostles and He gave them a work to do and gave them a commission. And the first and primary commission is "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to all nations and every creature."

Now, that is the prime work of the Church, not being a social club and meeting together and enjoying each others society. The reason they meet together is that they may be unified and encourage one another and help one another in the mission of the Church which is to get God's Gospel to the world. But they hid that Gospel and they have substituted for it a different Gospel. And so, those that profess to be the Church today are not the Body of Christ, because the Spirit of Christ is not doing the Work of Christ in their bodies.

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