Tiaki is close to SSTrig territory and SSTrig certainly lets her know that this is her nest and goes into numerous acts of displaying & skycalling at Tiaki. Tiaki clacks right back at her and even manages to pull out her wings in response but ultimately decides to head back closer to her nest & territory! Yikes! SSTrig certainly is one dominant female!! Thank you for watching!
Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk
Please join the new facebook group Royal Cam Albatross Group New Zealand for up to date information on the albatross family and to share information on albatross conservation, photos and comments! https://www.facebook.com/groups/991026361293354
~~ LGL hatched in 2008 and is a 12 year female paired with LGK hatched in 2009 an 11 year male. They have been together since 2017 and became our Royalcam couple for the 2018/2019 season. Their first breeding season produced an egg but it later died. In 2019 their chick Karere fledged successfully. LGL laid her egg on Nov. 7th 2020. LGL/ LGK are the Royalcam couple for the 2020/21 season! The chick hatched on January 24th 2021.
Courtesy of Dept of Conservation Royal Cam, Royal Albatross Taiaroa Head, New Zealand & Cornell Labs