This "Toy" cost me $3500 USD | RC ADVENTURES

This "Toy" cost me $3500 USD | RC ADVENTURES

I'm shootin' from the hip these days - and it's time to set the record straight. Find strength in living your life the way you want. #Kinglife #Idoitmyway #Dontfearyourself

I love the radio control hobby, and always have. The amazing technology that is coming out today - is more available then ever to a most of the public. If you are seeking this kind of equipment - look on Google for "RC Hydraulic Wheel Loader" - and start with that. I am not selling websites, or brand names here.. only an experience through some free entertainment to keep you amused while your taking a shit, riding the bus, waiting a the doctors, trying to fall asleep.. what ever it is. Maybe you are even inspired. Good, everyone needs some absolute motivation from time to time.

Today I unbox a wheel loader that I brought in for our new production series already running on YouTube - "GOLD - Good Ol' Lads Diggin'". Here is an episode already posted:

This wheel loader is 95% metal, weighs about 28kgs and can move some serious dirt! Now that I have a pair of them for the mine site.. it will make moving pay SO much more easier.. and each Gold Miner will have enough equipment to choose from when they visit the mine.

RC ADVENTURES™/ RCSparks Studio™ © 2021 Medic Media Productions Inc. All rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film by any means whatsoever - including without limitation electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, or re-uploading existing videos & re-uploading such material on any website anywhere in the world — is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Medic Media Productions Inc. All videos on the RCSparks Studio™ YouTube channel are for entertainment purposes only.

goldgold ol lads diggingood old lads digging

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