2021 Balikatan Conference - Part II of Balikatan's time with Philip Yancey. The conference attendees submitted highly pointed & contemporary questions on the subject of pain & suffering. And again - tenderly but emphatically - Philip addresses them one by one. Please listen intently as there are significant lessons to be learned even in this exchange.
Q&A HOSTS: Ate Lisa Espineli-Chin, one of Balikatan's founding members and former IVCF USA Staff and Dr. Edward Keazirian II, Senior Professor of Greek & New Testament, Director of the Greek Language Program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and member of the 2021 Conference Hosting Group.
COPYRIGHT: Balikatan Ng Mga Kristiano, Inc. - All rights reserved. Please do not download for public consumption without written permission from the Balikatan Board. This video is not to be used for monetization purposes.