How to win Chess Games quickly !!!
- material advantage
- using chess tactics
- sure checkmate
- solving endgame puzzles
Chess Tactics list:
1. Double Check
2. Sure Checkmate
3. Sacrifice
4. Double Attack
5. Removing the Guard or Defender
6. Pin
7. Fork
8. Skewer
9. Discovered Attack
10. Entrapment
End Game checkmate puzzles:
1. Checkmate with 2 Bishops
2. Checkmate with Queen and Bishop
3. Checkmate with King and Rook
4. Checkmate with Queen and Pawn
5. Checkmate with Queen and Knight
6. Checkmate with Queen and King
7. Checkmate with 2 Rooks
8. Checkmate with Queen and Rook
- tutorial made for beginners and learners in chess
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