I got MeeZoid to Log onto Hypixel... here's what happened.

I got MeeZoid to Log onto Hypixel... here's what happened.

Today I played Hypixel bedwars with my friend, MeeZoid! We had a lot to talk about so make sure you watch the whole video. Thank you guys for 20k subs, I'll be doing a special video very soon...

500 likes? Make sure to subscribe! ❤️
Server IP: hypixel.net

🌐 Socials
twitter → @ignHeaded
discord → https://discord.gg/CcUFnQM
tiktok → @headedmc

🎬 Video Info
Texture Pack → http://www.mediafire.com/file/jxgn80loo6gzs69/Headed%27s+20k.zip/file
Outro song → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX0jiXhVD_w

💻 Editor
→ 5rod: https://twitter.com/5RoD1


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