When and how should we make effort in our spiritual practice? Does the desire to succeed get in the way? How can I stop my mind from getting excited when the Self is revealed?
At some point in our spiritual practice we need to make great effort and at other points we need to let go. For some people, the desire to succeed itself becomes an impediment. The desire to be the witness or to conform to any scripture etc are egoic. They are a movement of mind and as long as there is any movement of mind, the Reality doesn't shine.
This video was recorded live during a Satsang meeting with Tom Das and put together by volunteers.
To attend satsang, see here: https://tomdas.com/events.
For guided meditations see the 'guided meditation' playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TomDasNonduality/playlist
For recommended reading for liberation see here: https://tomdas.com/2020/10/19/recommended-reading-books-for-enlightenment-liberation-and-self-realisation/
To book a 1 to 1 session with Tom see here: https://tomdas.com/nondual-spiritual-counsellor/