Paragliding Passion

Paragliding Passion

Back in early 2020 I was approached by a fellow paraglider pilot from the Avon Club who asked if I’d consider being the subject of his daughter's graduation project at the National Film & Television School.

Called "The Passion Project", the students had to film and produce interviews with three different people who were passionate about their amateur sports or hobbies. Katy chose a motorcycle racer, a fell runner, and me. The best of the three films would be shown at her grad show in May this year - and she decided it was the one featuring me!

The interview was filmed in my garden in Bath, and the paragliding footage was filmed a few weeks later during the 2020 Dragon Hike & Fly race in South Wales. Other flying clips are from my own videos.

I think she did a great job and wish her every success in her future career - I hope you enjoy it too!

Credit to Katy Hanscomb (


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