S1:E7 | Cally Tiosejo on Stories From The Fringe with Jennifer Nuya

S1:E7 | Cally Tiosejo on Stories From The Fringe with Jennifer Nuya

#StoriesFromTheFringeOnTNC #TheNewChannel | Cally Tiosejo is a resource speaker and most sought after for Motivational and soft skills programs. She specializes in bringing out the best in people. She strongly stands against depression and hopelessness and promotes creating purpose and meaning in peoples’ lives.

A corporate trainer, she has conceptualized and developed the training programs of some of the leading Telecommunications Companies including ISLA Communications ( ISLACOM) and Island Country Telecommunications Inc. ( JASPAGE) ; IT Companies including HP Philippines and Axentel Philippines ; Motivational , Sales & Leadership Training programs for the Financial Industry most specifically in the Life Insurance that of which is Pru Life U K and Celebrity Management Industry specifically Vidanes Celebrity Marketing.

#TNCnow #JenniferNuya #CallyTiosejo #StoriesFromTheFringe #DEIBAesthete #unityindiversity #DEIB #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #Belonging #Equality #GenderEquality #Acceptance #EqualRights #tncnow #BeTheNewYou

Cally Tiosejo on Stories From The Fringe with Jennifer NuyaCally Tiosejo on Stories From The FringeStories From The Fringe with Jennifer Nuya

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