Clix loses a legendary pump in the middle of cash cup game

Clix loses a legendary pump in the middle of cash cup game

Clix loses a legendary pump in the middle of cash cup game



Fortine Pros:
Deyy, Mero, Reverse2k, Clix, Bugha, Scoped, Co1azo, Khanada, Sypherpk, Arkhram, Rehx, EpikWhale, JannisZ, Hen, Chapix, Flikk, Anas, Th0masHD, Muz, Looter, SpeedyND, Benjyfishy, Slackes, Acorn, Jahq, Bugha, Andilex, Clix, Saf, Avery, Vedeal, TaySon, jamper, tragix


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