My most overgrown edge cleanup so far! The customer paid to clean up their neighbor's overgrown sidewalk, satisfying lawn cleanup transformation. My current lawn mowing customer will be putting his home for sale soon and hired me to clean up his neighbor's overgrown selected sidewalk.
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Trailer/ Trimmer/ Blower Racks: EQUIPMENT DEFENDER RACKS: https://www.equipmentdefender.com/ "BLADES10" 10% OFF
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Marketing materials: https://lddy.no/ujd4
The Guardian Angel device: https://www.guardianangeldevices.com/?code=816&campaign=BladesofGrassLawnCare
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00:00 01:24 Blades of Grass Lawn Care Intro
01:25 02:19 Fast Edging Blade Installation
02:20 12:58 How to Cleanup Overgrown Sidewalk
12:59 14:40 Blowing dirt off sidewalk ADIOS!!!