In this episode of HakByte, Alex Lynd demonstrates the new WiFi Nugget platform, and how to utilize onboard features such as the OLED display & NeoPixel LED to indicate common WiFi attacks, using monitor mode on the ESP8266.
Purchase a WiFi Nugget - http://hakcat.com
ESP8266 Board Manager Link: https://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
HaxxDetector Code: https://github.com/HakCat-Tech/HaxxDetector
Download the Arduino IDE: https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
Alex Lynd's website: http://alexlynd.com
Follow Alex on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlexLynd
Intro: 00:00
What is Promiscuous Mode ?: 00:15
Detect Attacks w/ the WiFi Nugget : 00:40
WiFi Nugget Premiere: 00:48
Tools You'll Need: 01:13
Setting Up the Arduino IDE: 01:35
Installing Software Libraries: 04:36
Flashing the HaxxDetector: 06:03
Code Analysis: 06:54
Creating Nugget Faces: 09:54
Attacking WiFi w/ the Deauther: 12:19
Aireplay-ng Attack 13:05
Nugget Info: 13:28
Outro: 14:07
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