How To Persist With Your Goal!

How To Persist With Your Goal!

If You Want to Know the Secret to Persist With Your Goal! Watch This Video!πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
We Always wonder what is keeping others going in the right
direction towards their goals, whereas 97 % of people are living in a
rat race, not feeling fulfilled, settling for dull, boring jobs.😌
Most people do not want to take risks to achieve their goals for the
following 4 reasons: πŸ‘‡
1- Fear of Success, of getting what they think they want and then discovering that they do not want it all.
2- Fear of failure, which is immobilizing physically and mentally, so they do not even try.
3- Fear of losing what they already have, even if they do not really like it. They prefer to stay like prisoners, remaining in the familiar because they are afraid to expand beyond their comfort zone.
4- Fear of success, and not being able to handle their success.
✌️What breaks this inner struggle is to get really clear on what you
πŸ”΄NOT what your parents want,
πŸ”΄NOT what your friends want,
πŸ”΄Not what your spouse wants
The sad truth is that most people live their lives as drifters, they let
circumstances, and other people`s opinions, rock them off their
path and make decisions for them of how to live their own life.
If this resonates with you, continue reading:
🀩If you want to get clear on your goal and start living life on
purpose, a life that really excites you!
πŸ‘‰Book your 25 mins "Goal Discovery Call" and Choose to Finish
2021 Strong! πŸ‘‡
#mindset #mindfulness #success #leadership #goals #growth
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