This video covers the official launch of the Jetson One drone from Jetson Aero. You can see more or order one for yourself at https://www.jetsonaero.com/ This video will show you the Jetson 1 up close and go over the main specs, the Jetson One price, and the current availability. The future is here! Since our grandfathers were kids, we have dreamed of flying in 3 dimensions, just like the heroes in our favorite Star Trek and Star Wars sci-fi movies. Now that time has come. Anyone with just $92,000 can purchase one of these incredible eVTOL personal aerial vehicles with vertical take-off and landing capability. You can literally take off and land from anywhere! The Jetson One drone is now available for purchase. You can reserve your spot for the 2023 Jetson 1 here: https://www.jetsonaero.com/
You can contact Peter directly by emailing Jetson Aero here: peter@jetsonaero.com You can also phone Peter and Jeston Aero here: +46 70-530 06 89
Original Jetson One Launch video from Jeston Aero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzhREYOK0oo (video credit)