Navjot Sidhu In A Fix As Ministers From His Camp Didn't 'Resign'; CM Affirms Authority: Sources

Navjot Sidhu In A Fix As Ministers From His Camp Didn't 'Resign'; CM Affirms Authority: Sources

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In a setback to Navjot Singh Sidhu, Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi on Thursday, has affirmed that he will decide on appointments of officers as he had to work with them, as per sources. Channi has reportedly told Sidhu that the new list of cabinet ministers including Rana Gurjeet Singh was finalised by the party High Command. Urging him to take up his issue regarding Rana Gurjeet Singh with the High Command, Channi has refused to relent regarding the appointment of Iqbal Preet Singh Sahota and Amar Preet Singh Deol as the DGP and AG respectively.

Channi puts his foot down
Sources also said that Sidhu is in a dilemma after several ministers like Raja Warring and Pargat Singh (Sidhu camp) have not resigned following his 'resignation'. Only Razia Sultana has resigned in protest, following Sidhu in protest to several decisions unacceptable to him. After being given an 'ultimatum' by Sidhu, the High Command has constituted a coordination panel comprising of the CM, Navjot Singh Sidhu and a representative of AICC (Harish Chaudhary) to take major decisions in Punjab. This decision was reached after an over two-hour meeting between Sidhu and Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi in Chandigarh, in a bid to retain Sidhu as the party's state unit chief.

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