The Fearless Streamer Who Got Big By Playing Whatever The F@*k She Wants

The Fearless Streamer Who Got Big By Playing Whatever The F@*k She Wants

As grateful as streamers might be to the games that helped launch their stardom, playing the same thing over and over again can become tiresome.

And if not addressed, that frustration can develop into resentment.

So the obvious solution for saving one’s own sanity is to mix things up and play something else. And the results of doing just that can truly vary.

But without a doubt, the biggest challenge most streamers face when looking to freshen things up, is the push-back they get from their own audience.

However, in the case of the ever badass AnneMunition, streaming has never been about bowing to the demands of anyone. Or imprisoning herself in the polygonal walls of a single game.

It’s been about what it always should be: just having fun.

Written by: Alina Sotula (@ASotula)
Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Edited by: Jason Durantes (@JayJay_Durante)
Produced by: Miles Hackett (@miles_hackett)
Thumbnail by: Bennett Grainger

Footage Credits:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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