Yoga Poses for Amenorrhea & Oligomenorrhea, Asanas for infrequent menstrual period, Yoga for women

Yoga Poses for Amenorrhea & Oligomenorrhea, Asanas for infrequent menstrual period, Yoga for women

Hello everyone!
Today's video is about the asanas which are beneficial for Amenorrhea (secondary amenorrhea) and oligomenorrhea (fewer than 6-8 periods per year). Secondary amenorrhea is absence of 3 or more periods in a row by someone who has had periods in the past. Causes of amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea are contraceptives, medications like chemotherapy, antidepressant etc., lifestyle disorder - low body weight, excessive exercise, stress and hormonal imbalances- PCOS, thyroid malfunctions etc. Specially for lifestyle and hormonal causes Yogasana practice is very helpful by correcting HPO axis (Hypothalamic Pituitary Ovarian axis). Here in this video three different classes of asanas, inverted, twisting and backward extensions are suggested to correct amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea.
Learn the asanas properly and practice them.
Be gentle with yourself, enjoy, stay mindful and observe your mind and body after yoga practice.
Good Luck!
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(Credit) Yoga poses in this video: Referred from "Yoga - a gem for women": by- Geeta S. Iyengar

First Class of Yoga poses: Inverted Poses
1. Salamba Shirsasana
2. Baddha Konasana in Shirsasana
3. Salamba Sarvangasana
4. Halasana
5. Karna Pidasana

Second class of Yoga poses: Twisting Poses
1. Bhardavajasna - I
2. Bhardavajasna - II
3. Marichyasana III
4. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Third class of Yoga poses: Backward Extension Poses
1. Ushtrasana
2. Urdhav Mukha Shvanasana
3. Dhanurasana
4. Urdhav Dhanurasana
5. Dwi Pada Viprita Dandasana

Before beginning any exercise program or yoga session you should consult your physician regarding your health recommendations and follow all safety instructions. Although Yoga poses demonstrated in this video can be performed safely without much risk, by following instruction in this session, you agree that you are voluntarily participating and own responsibility of injury if any.

yoga for Amenorrheayoga for oligomenorrheaInfrequent menstrual period

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