You Won't Believe What Is On This CSX Train! Jaw Tooth Sent Me A Train! CSX Train w a DPU Alright!

You Won't Believe What Is On This CSX Train! Jaw Tooth Sent Me A Train!  CSX Train w a DPU Alright!

You Won't Believe What Is On This CSX Train! Jaw Tooth Sent Me A Train! CSX Train w a DPU Alright! 4 Trains in all in this action packed train video filmed in and around Dun Kirk NY on Sept 26th 2021.
0:00 Intro.
1:14 You are at the Berry Road CSX crossing in Pomfret, New York looking west at the Lake Road crossing on 26 S3eptember 2021,]. CSX train #Q560 is approaching. CSX train #Q560 must have been doing 60 MPH as it came toward you and passed. The train was bouncing up and down over a portion of the track that was missing some ballast. CSX train #Q560 originates in Queensgate Yard in Cincinnati, Ohio and terminates in Selkirk, New York. This train works Willard, Ohio; Collingwood Yard in Cleveland, Ohio; Ashtabula, Ohio; and Frontier Yard in Buffalo, New York.
4:29 You are at the CSX crossing of Berry Road looking to the east this time to Van Buren Road as CSX train #Q367 approaches the Van Buren crossing. As CSX train #Q367 passes you at the Berry Road crossing, we see that there are some transit train cars on flat cars on this train. Some of the first cars on the flat cars are full of graffiti. Subsequent transit cars have no graffiti on them. I was able to stop the video and see that the cars had Long Island Rail ???? (I could not make out the last word.) on them. I could not make out what the last word was. I wonder where these cars were going. You mentioned in your comments about this train that CSX train #Q367 originated in Selkirk, New York and I think you said that it terminated at the 59th Street Yard in Chicago, Illinois. Actually CSX train # Q367 terminates in the Belt Railway of Chicago's Clearing Yard in Chicago, Illinois. This train works DeWitt Yard in Syracuse, New York and Collingwood Yard in Cleveland, Ohio. You watched CSX train #Q367 as it passed the Lake Road crossing to the west of Berry Road and worked it way west to pass under the I-90/New York Thruway bridge over both the CSX tracks and the Norfolk Southern tracks which are to the left of the CSX tracks as we are looking at the CSX train. Our view of the Norfolk Southern tracks is blocked by the trees to the left of the CSX tracks.
12:59 You are still at the Berry Road crossing in Pomfret, New York on 26 September 2021 as another CSX train approaches from the east. This CSX train is #Q169. This train originates at Port Newark in Newark, New Jersey and terminates at the 59th Street Yard on Chicago, Illinois' south side. CSX train #Q169 is a daily train that works DeWitt Yard in Syracuse, New York.

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