15 Terrific Moments Of Animals Fighting Over Food

15 Terrific Moments Of Animals Fighting Over Food

When food is scarce and animals need to find food every day, sometimes fighting over it is inevitable. Have you ever seen a leopard steal food from a hyena? How do you suppose a jackal deal with vultures that want the same food? If you want answers to these questions, keep watching, as we count down 15 terrific moments of animals fighting over food.

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These two leopards don’t want to share this impala. I’m not sure if they killed it together, which I doubt, but they both ended up on the tree, and neither wants to let go of the carcass. As one of the leopards pulls away with most of the carcass, the other tears out a leg, but it’s not enough, so a scuffle occurs and both cats almost fall off the tree. Eventually, the leopard without the carcass turns around and moves away, lying down on a huge branch, while the other leopard stands over the carcass. Once things seem to have calmed down the leopard with the carcass finally begins to enjoy his meal. These two female leopards clash over a kill, but one of the females is much bigger than the other and it doesn’t take much time before she realizes this. After a few bites and scratches, one of the leopards runs off and climbs a tree.

Lion And Crocodile

A male lion and a slew of females tell this crocodile to return to its natural habitat. The crocodile informs the lion he does not own the land and is free to use by all. For a moment, the two argue, hurling obscenities and threats at one another, but eventually, calm down and ignore each other. These two male lions are looking for something tangible to eat when they inspect this massive hippo carcass, but crocodiles lurk nearby and alert the lions. The crocodiles startle one of the lions, but it isn't enough to scare the lions away. One of the lions even ventures deeper into the water to examine the hippo, but you can tell it's wary and scanning the area for threats.

A crocodile leaps from the water, but it misses the lion, and the feline leaps out without hesitation. Most fights between lions and crocodiles are over food. It's not like one of these big predators is out to eat the other, so when they cross paths, it's usually over food, and this fight is no exception, with a crocodile inviting himself to the table where a few lions eat a buffalo carcass. The cats are irritated, and one of them even attempts to strike the crocodile. When the crocodile pokes his head into the buffalo's carcass and pulls out some meat, the three lions stand up and gently tap the reptile on his back with their paws. The crocodile is unconcerned and swallows a piece of meat. The cats realize this guy isn't going anywhere, so they leave him alone

15 terrific moments of animals fighting over foodanimalswild animals

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