![Friday Night Funkin' - Perfect Combo - Gold (Hypno's Lullaby Fansong) Mod [HARD]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FjHilCT_xXY/hqdefault.jpg)
Another absolute BANGER by my man Cval, it's so amazing seeing his improvements with music making, he's getting better and better every single day and I always love listening to his new stuff!! Really good choice for a song idea, love how he used Lullaby GF's voice in it, fits so well with the atmosphere of the original mod and just the creepypasta overall! Really chill song and chart, just genuinely really fun to go through and listen to! Can't wait to hear more of Cval's stuff in the future!! Hope you guys enjoy!
Link to mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/338368
Link to original Lullaby mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/332345
0:00 - Gold
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