đź’–Please show some love to @Hippocritical and subscribe to him - get him 100K Subs
READ THIS IF YOU AREN'T WATCHING THE VIDEO (The entire situation was already known before my videos, It was all of MM2 Discord servers)
I'm not really trying to make myself look good and innocent, but I just want people to understand what was going on and clear the confusion. I had no intention of this happening and I didn't mean any harm. I'm really disappointed in those people who send hate to others. I never said any of what hippo did was real or fake, but I started this new series called MM2 News. The series went over some big/key events in MM2 and I wanted to discuss big parts of the game. This entire situation with hippocritical was spreading all of discord way before my video and when I made a video talking about what happened people just immediately go and send hate to him. He was already getting hate before my video (It was spreading all over discord) I deleted the news video to stop the confusion. I'm stopping the MM2 news series because I don't want to get involved with drama. The content I make is really hard because if I say any information wrong people will start to hate. Many MM2 players have left the game because of their personal lives. MM2 players will most likely return by next year, but making content has been depressing and most YouTubers get depressed when their channels do really bad. I love making videos and I won't stop, but I just wanted to clear the confusion on Hippo, since this was getting really bad.
I apologized if the entire situation got even worse
#MM2 #roblox