How Women ACTUALLY Want You to Talk to Them

How Women ACTUALLY Want You to Talk to Them

How Women Actually Want You to Talk to Them. Even if this might shock you, this is how women want you to talk to them, even if they don’t want to admit it.
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The problem with trying to figure out how women want you to talk to them is that it's quite challenging. There are too many variables, and even the same woman will have different expectations for different people in her life. That being said, there are some general ground rules that can help you communicate more effectively with any woman. This can be invaluable because the better you communicate with her, the more likely she will want to please you.

The problem is that there are a lot of guys who think that they know how women want them to talk to them, but it's actually quite different from what they might expect. In fact, many guys who consider themselves ladies men end up getting in trouble by not understanding the delicate balance between challenging a woman and being too reserved.

Eliminating the guesswork is essential because it will allow you to know exactly what response you can expect when talking to any woman, especially if you are talking online. For example, sending messages that aren't open-ended are generally not well received. People like to know that someone is interested in what they have to say, and if you leave them hanging by not asking questions or offering feedback, it can seem like you aren't really engaged.

Talking the right way with the women in your life is essential, because it allows them to open up without feeling too vulnerable. They want to feel safe when talking to you, not like talking to a stranger. To accomplish this, the best way for you to act is friendly and non-threatening, but also interested enough that you don't seem closed-off.

Something that many guys might find useful is knowing how women want them to talk dirty to them. Unfortunately, there are so many different ideas about how this should work that it's hard to pinpoint an exact answer.
What you are aiming for is a nice balance between talking dirty and being romantic.

#dating #psychology #wisethinker

sigma malesigmawise thinker

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