Direct link to Africa videos, https://www.youtube.com/c/WefwafwaAndrew
(Subscribing to Wefwafwa’s channel will help this work)
And Ben’s latest update
Omicron, BA.4 and BA.5
Growth advantage, good at evading the immune system
2.07% in England (1 in 50 people)
2.13% in Wales (1 in 45 people)
2.34% in Northern Ireland (1 in 45 people)
3.36% in Scotland (1 in 30 people)
Risk of re-infection
Seven times higher with Omicron (20 December 2021 onwards)
Compared with Delta (17 May to 19 December 2021).
BMJ, Covid-19: Omicron sub variants driving new wave of infections in UK
Start of a new wave of covid infections, BA.4 and BA.5.
Covid infections up 43% week on week
Independent Sage, Kit Yates, University of Bath
It is pretty much official from the latest ONS data that the UK has entered the next wave of covid.
It is most concerning to see that there has been an increase in covid infections in older age groups
Hospital admissions, England
Up 31% week on week
Beds occupied, 5,008
1st June, 3,800
Deepti Gurdasani, William Harvey Research Institute
This is our second wave in six months, and infection has remained very high even between waves.
It’s hard to predict how large the wave will be
Steve Powis, NHS England medical director
Expects fewer admissions than previous two 2022 surges
We are likely to see a bit of an increase over the next few weeks
South Africa
BA.4 and BA.5 wave has now passe, with fewer hospital admissions and deaths than BA.1 wave in December.
BA.5 is now dominant but their wave has just peaked
United States
US, past 2 weeks
Cases, down 15%
Deaths, down 11%
Hospitalized, up 2%
100,000 cases announced each day in the U.S.
(flat for the month of June)
South and West, cases and hospitalizations increasing, Arkansas, Kentucky, Wyoming
More than 30,000 people hospitalized, up a little on the month
Fewer than 350 deaths being reported each day
(2,600 a day at the height of Omicron surge)
Mr Biden
Meets 17 families and their children (under 5)
monumental step forward in the nation’s pandemic response.
This is no time for politics.
It’s about parents being able to do everything they can to keep their children safe
Finally, some peace of mind