It’s essential to take care of yourself and fill your cup, especially as a parent.

It’s essential to take care of yourself and fill your cup, especially as a parent.

As first-time parents were figuring this out day by day, our son Remmy didn’t come with an instruction manual none of us did. But there are a few things that we have figured out that work for us, and one of them is not forgetting ourselves in this parenting journey.

Tune into episode 20 to learn about my wife’s and my journey. It’s been a wildly amazing 6 years thus far.

Zee talks about the biggest lessons she has learned so far about being a wife to me and mother to Remmy, as well as her thoughts on the importance of trust in any relationship.

We also describes our parenting styles and talks candidly about the role of personal development and self-care in being a parent.

Thank you for listening and support the LTL show. 🙏🏽🖤


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