Antalya Mosque is hundreds of years old, Sehzade Korkut Camii on Hesapçı Street in Kaleiçi.

Antalya Mosque is hundreds of years old,  Sehzade Korkut Camii on Hesapçı Street in Kaleiçi.


The Şehzade Korkut Mosque is located in the historic city center of the southern resort city of Antalya.

The structure in the historical Kaleiçi quarter, which bears traces of the Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations in Antalya, became a symbol of conquest when the Seljuks conquered Antalya and turned the structure into a mosque. The mosque was repaired when Şehzade (Prince) Korkut, the son of Sultan Bayezid II, was appointed as the sanjak bey of Teke during the Ottoman period. It was named in his honor.

The mosque was closed to worship after being severely damaged in a fire in 1896. Following the completion of the restoration to repair the damages in line with its original structure, the mosque will be reopened to worship on March 5, 2021, the anniversary of Antalya's conquest by the Seljuks. It will welcome worshippers for the first time in nearly 125 years.

Antalya Regional Director of Foundations Hüseyin Coşar told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the building was turned into a mosque in 1207 as a sign of the sovereignty of Turks over Antalya and as the right of the sword.

Pointing out that Şehzade Korkut endowed the structure as a mosque, Coşar said that the mosque was open to worship until 1896, however, its minaret spire and roof were completely burned down as a result of the fire that broke out in Kaleiçi.

Located on Hesapçı Street in Kaleiçi, the building was constructed as a Roman temple in the sixth century A.D. and was transformed into a basilica during the Byzantine period.

After the Seljuks conquered Antalya, the building was named Camii Cedid (The New Mosque). During the restoration carried out by Korkut, a minaret was added to the mosque on the sanjak bey's instruction.

In the 1896 fire, the minaret's wooden spire burned, and the mosque began to be referred to as the "truncated minaret" mosque among the people.

The structure underwent a partial restoration in 1974 and was surrounded by iron fences. Although there were attempts to restore it in the following years, the restoration work could not be initiated due to a lawsuit filed by nongovernmental organizations regarding its use as an archaeological park instead of a mosque.

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Terletak di Jalan Hesapçı di Kaleiçi, bangunan ini dibangun sebagai kuil Romawi pada abad keenam M dan diubah menjadi basilika selama periode Bizantium.

Setelah Seljuk menaklukkan Antalya, bangunan itu diberi nama Camii Cedid (Masjid Baru). Selama pemugaran yang dilakukan oleh Korkut, sebuah menara ditambahkan ke masjid atas instruksi sanjak bey.

Pada kebakaran tahun 1896, menara kayu menara terbakar, dan masjid mulai disebut sebagai masjid "menara terpotong" di antara orang-orang.

Akhirnya, pekerjaan restorasi dimulai di masjid pada tahun 2017, di bawah instruksi Gubernur Antalya saat itu, Münir Karaloğlu, bersama dengan keputusan dewan konservasi dan komite ilmiah. Dalam lingkup pekerjaan restorasi, menara masjid mendapatkan kembali puncaknya untuk pertama kalinya dalam hampir 125 tahun.

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