Joe Rogan, Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson discuss the secret structures hidden beneath the amazon rain forest that we are discovering with the destruction of it! But we do not need to have that happen any more we need to fund a massive Lidar scan of the whole forest to see where these structures are and study them!! What are your thoughts? Comment below !
Graham Hancock is a researcher, journalist, and author of over a dozen books including "Fingerprints of the Gods" and "America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization." Check out his new Netflix series, "Ancient Apocalypse," on November 11. Randall Carlson is a researcher, master builder, architectural designer, geometrician, and host of the podcast "Kosmographia."
Joe Rogan Experience # 1897
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In this Video:
Joe Rogan ►► @joerogan
Graham Hancock ►► @grahamhanckck
Randall Carlson ►► @therandallcarlson
Jamie Vernon ►►@ jamievernon
#JRE #joerogan #pyramid #egypt #ufc