@Shukla Edu Galaxy
How To Change Active Voice To Passive Voice.
Imperative sentences are used to issue a command or instruction, make a request, or offer advice. ... Imperative sentences usually end with a period but can occasionally end with an exclamation point. These sentences are sometimes referred to as directives because they provide direction to whoever is being addressed.
Come here.
Call me when you are free.
Repeat the voice 👍
don't miss the chance
Rule No-1
Let+ object+ be+ past participle of verb.
Active voice-Call the police
Passive voice-Let the police be called.
Rule No2-
Object+should be+verb IIIrd form.
if there is no any object in imperative sentences then the rules given above will not be applied at all then there will be some other rules at first see the examples given as below.
stand up
sit down
go there
Your are requested to/ordered to/suggested to/told to/asked to/ + full sentences without any changes.
see the examples-
you are requested to stand up
you are requested to go
you are requested to sleep
you are requested to come
your order to come
you are asked to come
k P Shukla
Shukla sir
Shukla edu Galaxy
Shukla Galaxy
edu Galaxy
www. YouTube.com/c/shuklaedugalaxy