Where you are is a direct result of the decisions you have made up to this point in your life. - Anonymous
Whether we like it or not, the chair we’re sitting in, the computer or phone we’re on, the coffeeshop or house or school we’re sitting in is a choice we’ve made. Maybe we chose to work at this school 15 years ago and we’ve chosen to stay for this long. Maybe we decided to work at this company that gave us this phone that we’re using to read and work on.
If this morning you decided to sleep in, and now you’re scrambling to get to work on time, that decision was yours and yours alone. Maybe you have a baby, or had a family emergency you decided needed your attention in the middle of the night. Sometimes it may feel like ‘I have no choice’. The reality is, oh, yes you do. You’ve chosen to take care of that child, you decided to respond to your family emergency. You may not have thought much about them, but you certainly decided that you would respond.
As adults, we are responsible for ALL of our decisions. From breakfast, to the color of car we drive (if we’re going to drive a car at all), to our occupations, and who we date or marry, in most cases, no one has FORCED us into any of these situations.
If you are a coach, you DECIDED to be a coach. I’m pretty confident no one threatened you or your family and said ‘if you don’t coach, something bad will happen to you or them’. You could fill in ‘coach’ with any profession. It’s likely that at some point, you chose what you’re doing and have since decided to stick with it.
As coaches, we don’t always get to decide the kids who will be in our programs or on our teams. We DO decide how we’re going to interact with our team though. We DO decide what we will hold our players accountable to and what we will tolerate as their coaches and mentors. We do decide how to condition our kids, how to reward or punish them, and how we’ll express our belief in them. We often brush over these decisions. We often coach how we were coached.
I challenge you to look at your next practice plan and write down next to each drill WHY you’re deciding to focus on that drill. Why you’re conditioning them the way you are. WHY you’ll let them pick their groups or if you’ll assign them.
If you are not happy with your team’s performance, roll back into the decisions you’ve made with them in the last year, month, week, and day. Are those decisions reflective of the environment you want to cultivate? If not, what would you do differently to get the results you wanted?