Catholic Mass Today 26th Sunday Ordinary Time 26 Sep 2021 Bishop Greg Homeming Lismore NSW Australia

Catholic Mass Today 26th Sunday Ordinary Time 26 Sep 2021 Bishop Greg Homeming Lismore NSW Australia

Homily at 10:00

Today’s readers are from St Joseph's Nursing Home, a surgeon and representative of the St Vincent's Board and staff from St Vincent’s Hospital.

Our COVID-safe liturgy complies with instructions from the Bishop of Lismore and NSW Government directives.

All music used in this presentation is in the public domain, used under licence or used with permission.

Entrance Hymn - Table of Plenty© 1992, Daniel L Schutte, admin. New Dawn Music / OCP Publications
Offertory Hymn - A Trusting Psalm © Kevin Bates 1989.
Communion Hymn - Unless a Grain of Wheat © Bernadette Farrell 1984.
Recessional Hymn - How Shall I call you? © Robin Mann
Mass of St Francis - Music: © 2010, Paul Taylor Texts: English Translation of The Roman Missal, ICEL © 2010.

Excerpts from the Order of Mass reproduced in accordance with the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Commission for Liturgy.

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE No A703340 All rights reserved.
Printed: St. Carthage’s Cathedral Parish Office

Mass for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebrant: The Most Reverend Gregory Homeming OCD assisted by Deacon Graeme R Davis
Readers: Penny Stanley, Manager St Joseph's Nursing Home, Dr Austin Curtin, Surgeon and Deputy Chair of the St Vincent's Board of Directors; Joe Pereira, Director of Mission, St Vincent's Hospital.
Cameras and Audio: Joe Pereira
Editing and Post-production: Daniel Pereira
Singers & Musicians: Kristine Pereira, Amanda Isaac, Clare Axman, ​Leanne Broadley, Landon Broadley, Alex Pereira, ​Evronia Allan, Laurie Pratt
Executive Producer for the Diocese of Lismore: Joe Pereira

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