Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases THERE ARE PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEA and THAT SOUNDS FISHY

In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase... That's upside down, isn't it? In this English lesson, I wanted to help you learn the English phrase there are plenty of fish in the sea. This is something that you can say to someone after they break up with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Sometimes people are together and sometimes they date for a while and sometimes they break up. Sometimes it doesn't work out and then one or both of them might be sad and if you know one of them, you could say, you know, hey, there are plenty of fish in the sea. This means that even though they are no longer with that one person, there are still lots of other men and women in the world that they could potentially date someday. So when someone breaks up, it's not always a nice thing to say. Sometimes they're really sad and they don't want to hear this, but you can say to them, hey, don't be so sad. There are plenty of fish in the sea. There's lots of other people that you could date.


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The other phrase I want to teach you today is the phrase that sounds fishy. We sometimes say that smells fishy or even that's fishy. It means that you don't believe something. If my brother said to me, hey, I know this guy and if we each give him $1,000, he will give us $3,000 in a week if we invest money with him, I would probably say, you know what, that sounds fishy. That doesn't sound like it could be true. That sounds like it might be something illegal. That sounds fishy. I might say that smells fishy or the whole thing seems fishy to me. It would mean that it's something, it's a situation where I don't really trust what's happening. Certainly if someone said to me, hey, Bob, give me $1,000 and if you invest it with me, in two weeks, I'll give you $5,000 back, I would probably say, no, I'm not gonna do that. That sounds fishy.

So to review, when you say there are plenty of fish in the sea, you're telling someone that if they break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, there are lots of other men or women in the world that they could date. And if I say to someone that sounds fishy, it means that whatever they're telling me doesn't sound truthful, it doesn't sound real, it doesn't sound possible. It sounds a little bit fishy.

So I just realized I forgot to print out the comment for this video, so I'm just gonna run back to the house for a minute, so hang tight. I'll be back in just a few minutes. You won't notice the delay, but it's gonna take me a little while. I'm pretty far out in the flower field right now. So I'll be right back.

Okay, I'm back. Let's look at a comment from a previous video. This comment is from Ruslan and the comment is this. "Thank you for the lesson, Teacher Bob. "It was nice to see the town. "I am very fond of small, cozy, and tranquil towns "where people are never in a hurry. "Please show us more of your town from time to time." My response, "our town is small and tranquil "until around 4:30 in the afternoon, "when everyone is coming home from work. "Even our little town has rush hour."

So, yes, my plan would be to go to town at least once a week. I have time during my workday. Sometimes I step in little holes when I start to walk. I have time in my workday to pop over to the town and to make a little video. So I'll probably do that at least once a week, just so there's a little bit of variety.

And I wanted to talk a little bit today about all of our lisianthus. I know I've been out here a number of times. The lisianthus bed, if you can see, is a little emptier than normal. We have been harvesting like crazy, but it is slowly becoming fall here. So hopefully in the next little while, we can have some nice temperatures still. It's supposed to be unseasonably warm for two weeks. That's actually good for us because as soon as we have frost, things start to die off. So for now, this bed will continue to produce flowers for us as long as the weather stays really, really nice, so I hope that happens.

I hope all of you are having an enjoyable end of summer and beginning of fall. It's kind of a fun time of year. I look forward to fall because the weather's cooler, but it also means that winter's coming, my favorite season. Anyways, I'll see you in a couple of days with another short English lesson. Thanks for watching this one. Bye.

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